Every word you say, I think I should write down. Don't want to forget come daylight.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Thirty-Five - Suttercreek Campgrounds

Camp was okayyyy at best. Ha. It was our dog, Riley's first time camping. She only made it past the first night. All day Thursday she was very talkative and the owners of the campgrounds came around and told us if she didn't quiet down she'd have to leave. Then Thursday overnight she was fine. We brought along her crate and put that in our tent and she slept in there with us. Friday morning, however, she was back to barking. Not constant like yipping or anything, just more "talking" than I guess other people like. My mom and her bf brought their dog, my brother and sil brought theirs, Bob and Kelly (family friends) brought theirs. So 4 dogs in a small space. So Friday around 9am I called the kennel we take her to and asked if they had any last minute vacancies. They did so we took her there until just a little bit ago when I picked her up. I felt so bad because July 17th was her 1st birthday and she was at the kennel instead of with us. Aw. I'm retarded. Haha. She likes the kennel though and they really like her there. They call her their princess.

So Friday and Saturday were pretty mellow. Friday was my mom's birthday and Thane had to work til 12. Once he got back from work we just hung around all day. That night we had a big birthday dinner for my mom and Kelly, because her birthday was Saturday. Then Saturday we all spent most of the day lounging in camp chairs by the edge of the creek. Rowan went swimming in the creek and my brother helped him and this other little boy at the campgrounds, Tyler (who was really annoying. Ha.), catch crawfish.

Sunday morning we had to pack up and check out. Bob and Kelly left early and the rest of us gathered at my mom's camper for breakfast. I had my normal bagel thin while everyone else was eating breakfast sandwiches. I think I've told you about how my mom is always giving her two cents/opinion. Well, it started off simple. Thane handed me his plate with his sandwich on it and he gave it to me lopsided and it almost fell and all I said was, "Thaaaaane" and my mom has to pipe up and say, "Hey!" like I was doing something downright awful. She did it all weekend, just like I predicted. And neither her or her bf listened to me, like always, when it came to Rowan. We brought water shoes and a pair of dry shoes. with us for him. My mom's bf, Butch, went to take Rowan for a walk by the creek and I reminded him to keep Rowan's shoes dry. What does he do? Comes back and had taken him swimming. So he was soaked, head to toe, including his shoes. This whole blatantly ignoring what I say as the parent thing has gotten to be a pretty big deal to me, since it happens ALL the time. Anyway, after my mom had to pipe up for the thousandth time, I said, "Hey mom, why don't you be quiet when I'm talking to my husband." to which her bf extra manly-ish like feels the need to say, "And you need to shut your god damn mouth. Don't talk to your mother that way." So I say, "Excuse me? I'm not going to shut anything, even though you just asked me so nicely. I'm a grown woman telling another grown woman to mind her own business and stay out of things because I'm sick of it." So then, of course, I get, "If you're such a grown woman, then act like it. You're a disrespectful little bitch, get the fuck out of my god damn camper (I think god damn is his favorite phrase)." Wow, really?! They're always telling me I don't act my age. Are you kidding me? What the fuck do I do that I DON'T act 26 years old?? So I stood up to leave because I didn't even want to be there with those people anyway. And I said to Thane, "Come on, we'll just go finish eating at our campsite" and Thane says, "Just settle down, don't be stubborn, we can stay" and I said, "No, I want to leave" and he didn't get up to go with me and THAT made me even more upset than what had just happened with Bully Butch. Needless to say, when we finally did get away, I laid into Thane more than I ever have before (I really don't think he's ever made me that upset, ever). Heh. I was like, "First of all when some big asshole bully is yelling at me, for NO REASON, you need to stick up for me! Also, when I'm making the decision to get up and walk away, whether you want to or not, you SUPPORT YOUR WIFE!" Ugh, I was so disappointed. By Thane not doing anything he made ME feel like I was an idiot. Like I had done something wrong, when I knew I didn't. I told him he really let me down and hurt my feelings. So yesterday when we got home it was basically a day of me being upset and him apologizing, blah blah blah. I mean, today I'm over it, obviously. It wasn't like a huge deal, it was just, idk. Whatever. Seriously, though, that's what living with my mom and Butch was like. But it's different now. I don't have to take it and I won't. I'll defend myself verbally and I can put distance between him and myself by knowing I am not trapped. My mom may think it's okay to be talked to by a man like that, but not me.

Now I'm all frazzled all over again by it. I'm really tempted to call my mom or write her an email or something and let her know that it is not acceptable for him to EVER talk to me like that. And that if it ever happens again, she can bet I will be keeping my distance from them for awhile. Because I don't HAVE to be around someone like that. Nothing and no one says I have to endure ANYONE talking to me that way.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

awww. Your mom shouldn't have let him talk to you like that. period :( But you're home now, and I'll see you on Wednesday <3