Every word you say, I think I should write down. Don't want to forget come daylight.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Thirty-Four - More Camping? Sure!

I've been miserable and moody for like the whole past week. I'm not PMSing, so I have no idea why I feel so crappy. I think it's just a mix of low self esteem/self worth and stress? Ha, hello pathetic.

Anyway, we're leaving to go camping tomorrow afternoon until Sunday. It's my mom's birthday weekend and she wanted everyone to go. I hope that she and her boyfriend don't drive me crazy. They are always trying to control my reactions/emotions/attitude. It's hard to explain. My mom also overrides me all the time. Like, I'll give a "yes or no" answer to something regarding Rowan and she'll be like, "Oh, it's fine Jami!" or "Hm, no I don't think he should do that" and when I speak up and remind her that I'm the parent, she tells me I'm being dramatic and she'll say something like, "Oh enough. Just stop. It's not a big deal" Urgh. Just thinking about it makes me cringe because I know this exact situation is going to happen probably at least 10 times this weekend. It is a big deal, Mom, because what I say goes, period. No matter how much you disagree with my parenting skills (which by the way I KNOW there's nothing wrong with). Also, the place we're going is like a private camp, so the sites are stupid expensive and there's not even a beach or swimming! And the lady put us on this spot called "10T", which is like right behind site 10, which is for a camper, which is where my mom is. Then two other couples who are friends of the family (Bob & Kelly LaRock and Jim & Pat Marra [the high school librarian]) are on sites 11 and 12. So I was telling Mom how tight of a space it is behind her and how we'll really have to utilize all of the site for our stuff and she was all like, "Well I was planning on using the back space. I mean, we can figure it out when we get there. We'll just find a place to stick your tent, whatever" No, Mom, we paid $78 for our friggin site for just 3 nights, we're going to use our space however we want. I also told her that the woman who booked me told me that there was a person occupying site "11T", so she'll have to be conscious of them and she just has this "Oh, whatever, it will be fine if we cross into their site" attitude. She's just so oblivious sometimes. Their the kind of people who think the whole word loves to drink beer and get drunk. She, for some unknown reason, can't fathom that there are actually people who like to experience life sober and peacefully.

Wow, I'm so going to have a good time, huh? Hahaha

Sometimes I feel like there are people that need to be called out, but I would never be the one to do it. Because then it would just explode into some drama fest that I have no desire to attend. Blah blah blah.

I miss Silver and the girls. Vinny too, I guess. Hahaha.

I'm nervous about taking Riley camping. I hope she likes it.

I would really like to get together with Michaela soon. Her aunt lives right around the corner from me, so that's cool. I can remember her laugh and it makes me want to squeeze her.

Okay, DONE. I guess.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

haha. Yeah. When I miss you guys, it includes the "well, I guess Thane, to" cuz he keeps Vin amused while I spend time with you and Rowan haha <3