Every word you say, I think I should write down. Don't want to forget come daylight.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Ten - Grandpa Dennison's Birthday

Today is a busy day. I don't have much time at all to write. I have housework to do before Jenn comes over. Then later when Thane gets home we have to get ready to go to a family get together. My Grandpa Dennison's birthday is today and we're going to their house for dinner and dessert. He turns 82 today! He's an amazing man.

Last night was the Grey's finale and I wanted to die. So so so so sooooo sad/shocking/scary.

Thane, Rowan, and I might be taking a little trip to Harrisburg, PA in August. It's one of the places on our potential future relocation list. We're thinking of going for 3 nights, 4 days. If we do we're going to stay in the Hilton that's right in the middle of downtown, 2 blocks from the river, and within walking distance to the pedestrian bridge that will take us to City Island! We want to make sure we experience it the right way, so we would know for sure whether we'd like to live there. If it makes the cut, we'd like to move there and rent a condo in the heart of downtown, maybe even on "restaurant row" (hehe, I'm learning the local lingo). The major downfalls on paper for Harrisburg are that it is far from the ocean (3 hours?) and we wanted to live closer to the coast, and it is also far from NYC (3.5 hours?) and we wanted to be within commute (less than 2 hours) to the city. :/ But if this place is as nice as what we've researched about it, it might be worth it. Three and three and a half hours is still a lot closer than we are now.

Sunday we have Jenn's graduation to attend in Auburn and then a wedding Sunday evening in Fairport/Rochester. Geez travel! It's going to be a longgggg day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Grey's was such a shocking ending. holy moly.