Every word you say, I think I should write down. Don't want to forget come daylight.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Seven - Evaluation

Rowan's evaluation this morning went well. He was such a good boy! The ladies loved him and were impressed with his musical talents. It's nice to see we're not the only ones who notice it. After going through a series of tests and questions, mixed in with some playtime, they are recommending that he receive both occupational therapy and speech therapy. Some areas he tested right at the appropriate age level and others, obviously, he rated below average. Then there were a couple of areas where he devoured the scoring system. Haha. At one point he was displaying behavior equal to that of a child aged 4 years and 11 months. Wow! He just turned 3 two months ago. So hopefully we will be able to get him some help for the areas in which he has a delay and eventually he will not only catch up, but then surpass other kids, because come on, he's perfect. :] Our next step is to wait and hear from the Fulton City School District Committee for Special Education. They will make time for a meeting, in which we should attend. During the meeting they will determine whether they want to approve a tutor for Rowan. While there, we will be able to stand up and speak on Rowan's behalf to try and convince them to let us get help for him. I'm nervous about that. At any rate though, today's results gave us both some relief and some knowledge as to what we can expect to happen.

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