Every word you say, I think I should write down. Don't want to forget come daylight.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Eleven - Not Wanting to Give Up

See? I'm slacking off here already. I really don't want to give up on this. I could feel myself starting to. I'd sit down to write and I'd tell myself something like, "Meh, it's not important, you can always update later."

Anyway, the wedding was nice. More than nice really. It was gorgeous. Denise, the bride made all the decorations herself. They were unique, tasteful, and classy. She did things like cutting up tissue paper circles and circles cut out of dictionary pages as her "confetti" to throw at them when they walk back down the aisle. She also created these hanging flower poms that hung from strings all behind where they were married (it was in their backyard). Oh! I think my favorite was where she took pictures of her and Chuck and attached them to twine that she roped around, from the ground up, on a tree in the yard. So cute and creative. I wish my new camera lens had arrived in the mail so that I could have taken some really good pictures. :[ Oh well. The reception was nice too. It was in a local cafe/coffee shop. Very, very nice. Besides Juanita, Connie, and Abi being there, but that's a different story.

We have our meeting with the special education committee next Thursday, June 3rd at 10:40am. I'm nervous. What if they don't approve him for receiving special education? I'm still trying to understand how they can even turn children away when they're evaluated and deemed in need of help. I know it comes down to money and funding. But by denying a child who needs help, what does that mean for them? For their future? I just don't want to be in that boat.

Hoping to set up Rowan's pool this weekend. Thane has a three day weekend. Normally he just works his holidays and banks the hours, but they're making all the employees take this one off. We're not complaining, 3 day weekends are nice. It just would have been nice to be able to save the time towards taking our possible trip to Harrisburg, PA in August.

I'm going to go see about uploading some pictures from the wedding now.

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