Every word you say, I think I should write down. Don't want to forget come daylight.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Twenty-Two - Walmart Sucks

So we didn't get to get our camping stuff and our groceries. But at least we got our camping stuff! Haha. The reason why we didn't get to get groceries is because Walmart sucks and they put us through hell and gave me a panic attack, which then turned into a migraine quickly, so we had to go home. We bought $309.36 worth of camping stuff (some stuff is for our trip 4th of July weekend with Silver and Vinny and the rest is for when we go camping on our own.) so we're just about all set. When we were cashing out I told the lady I wanted to pay $9.36 with our debit and then put $300 on our Walmart credit card. She told me I had to do the debit first and told me to swipe my card. Then she tells me to hit "okay" on the screen and I was like, "This is just for the $9.36, right?" and she tells me yes. Ten seconds later she says, "Oh, it looks like it took it all off the debit. Is that okay?" NO, IT'S NOT OKAY, MORON. Instead, because I haven't lost my cool yet, I say, "Um, no, that's not okay. I have to put $300 on our credit card for a reason" so then she says she has to call someone over to help her. Another girl comes over and says she'll just void the order real quick, but that they'll have to re-ring the entire order. I tell her if that's the only option, fine, but that there's still a problem, we didn't have $309.36 in our bank account (we only had like $279 or something like that until Thane got paid today. Our bank is dumb and doesn't deny a debit transaction if there's insufficient funds. They just put you in the negative and then you owe that PLUS a $30 fee)! So I tell them that I need to speak to the manager because we are NOT going to eat that fee for Walmart's mistake. She tells me she'll go and speak with him after she voids the transaction and while we're ringing up the order again. THEN she can't void the order. She calls the manager on her walkie thing and he tells her it's because the order is too expensive and it can't be voided, but that it can be RETURNED. Then she tells me we'll have to take our two carts full and go to customer service where they have to scan everything to do a refund and then scan everything another time to ring it all back in. She says the money will go back on the card and we can repurchase everything. This is when I speak up, yet again (and Im getting quite angry by this point and can't even control my shaking because I'm a stable panicker) and say, "Excuse me, but when something is refunded to someone's card, even if it was a debit purchase, doesn't it take 3 business days to clear and be put back into a person's account?!" to which she tells me I am correct. UM HELLO. So I say, "I'm sorry, but I'm a little fucking lost as to what the fuck you expect us to do for three days without ANY money now, at all" So she calls her manager again. He says he will write up a report and allow us to get the money returned to us in cash, even though a transaction that high isn't normally refunded as cash, even when paid with a debit. I'm really just fed up at this point, so of course I'm just being a smart ass bitch and I say something like, "I don't know why you're lecturing me as if I'm LUCKY you're giving us this option. For you, there is no other option. You can't take someone's money unwillingly and then even THINK that you can keep it and put them out for three days because it's a policy, so just get it done please, we've wasted enough time already" So we had to go through and refund everything and were given $309.36 in cash. Then we paid $9.36 in cash, put $300 on the credit card and they took down my name and number so that if the bank does charge us a fee (which I'm 99% sure they will), they are going to pay the fee to the bank for us. They also gave us a $20 Walmart gift card. But that was totally not worth the 45 minutes we spent going through all this! By the time we were done Rowan was screaming and whining (he was bored and tired at this point) and I was just so fucking stressed that I started getting a migraine that got so bad by the time we got home that I had to go straight to bed and had dry heaves until I passed out. UGH UGH UGH. So now we have to go get groceries tonight after my orientation. So annoyed.

In other news, Thane's paycheck was still $45 less than it should be. Something is not right. The insurance is fucking everything up and we're just losing a shit ton of money. Every time he asks about it he gets an altered explanation. I just yelled at him and told him enough is enough. He has to put his foot down and demand a full explanation that makes SENSE. Man, I like caps lock today, huh?

Last night was Rowan's last t-ball game. He finally hit the ball! Willingly. Haha. But he refused to run the bases. Instead he ran after his ball. When the kids from the other team all ran after his ball too, he screamed/screeched so loud the kids all froze, so he ran and grabbed it. Then he ran to the back of the gym (they played indoors because of the rain) and played by himself with it. Haha. After t-ball we went to Ponderosa. That's where Rowan wanted to go, and since it was his last game we said why not. He loves that place. Haha. Like 10 minutes after getting there a little boy in the booth right next to us started screaming and crying. Rowan watched for a split second and then all of a sudden stood up in his seat and started yelling at the top of his lungs, "OH NO! DADDY DOOOO SOMETHING!!!!" and he kept screaming this over and over and over again, while POINTING at this other family. Thane was trying to explain to him that the little boy was misbehaving and it was okay, to pay attention to his own food. I could do nothing except put my napkin over my face because I was laughing so hysterically. I laughed so hard I cried up a storm and then for the rest of the time the other family was there the father glared at me. Hahaha.

I slept awful last night. I was awake from about 2am until 415ish. I think I was subconsciously having anxiety issues over my orientation that's later today. I suck.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aw. Your orientation will be ok. I am sorry walmart sucks. haha. It was the stupid cashier. I used to be a cashier. it's not rocket science to do a split transaction!! Seriously, people. geez.