Every word you say, I think I should write down. Don't want to forget come daylight.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Fifteen - Teddy Tedholm Will Win SYTYCD

I'm not sure if I can download a video from YouTube, so instead I'll just be lazy and supply you with the link:


This boy is brilliant.

There have only been one or two times where I have watched someone dance and let myself getting completely lost and immersed in the performance to the point where I find myself making up my own story about the dance. This was one of them.

The dance to me represented a young man preparing for a funeral. He's partly in denial, he's nervous and distraught, he doesn't want this to be happening. He's all dressed up and ready, but before he can walk out the door he rebels against leaving and attending this funeral. He rips off his jacket, loosens his tie, in a way that says "you can't make me if I don't wanna/I'm not ready." Then the young man fights with himself. He beats himself up over what he's been trying to prepare himself for, he has fits of hysteria and battles with his grieving. Finally, defeated, he falls to the floor. He grabs his jacket, because he knows what he has to do, that he has no choice, and he knows there's no use fighting it.

So so so so moving.

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