Every word you say, I think I should write down. Don't want to forget come daylight.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Twenty-Seven - Sunday Routine

I think it is an official Sunday routine to hang out with Silver and Vinny. Haha. Yesterday was soooo much fun. Maybe not "fun" to other people, but it was the kind of fun that just warms my heart and makes me feel content with life. Just being around them is nice. It was friggin hot and that gave me a headache halfway through the day, but Silver gave me Excedrin, for tension headaches and that made it go away pretty fast. I was impressed! Normally I just use Excedrin Migraine, and that gets the job done, but not as fast as the other. Anyway, we played Apples to Apples. I love that game! I wanted to play like 45 games of it.

Yesterday while we were outside, Silver said something picking on Vinny (I forget exactly), but Vinny said, "Well Thane is my best friend and I love him" HAHAHA. It was SO adorable. When we came home I asked Thane if he remembered him saying that and Thane was like, "Yeah. That guy's awesome" They're hilarious.

I think Rowan is officially not afraid of Vinny anymore. Haha. When Thane and Vinny were playing a video game yesterday, Rowan hopped up on the couch behind them and put his arms around Vinny's shoulders/neck and was "hugging" him. Also, Rowan called him "Dad" HAHAHAHA. Thane was sitting right there and I was like, "Huh? Rowan! Vinny isn't your dad" (duh) and Vinny was like, "Yeah he called me that before too" So I think Rowan might think that any guy figure that doesn't have a name like "Grandpa" or "Uncle" or something has to be a dad? I mean, it kind of makes sense. The only other adult males he's around, frequently, are all family members with titles. So if he keeps it up we may have to tell him he can call him "Uncle Vinny" Ha.

I am so happy that Madalyn likes me so much. I can remember commenting on Silver's pictures of her, saying, "Ou! I want to squeeze her." or something lame like that. Haha. And now I can! She and Gracie are the cutest little girls ever. They're going to be ridiculously beautiful later on.

Mondays are always mellow days. :] So maybe that means I can hurry up and finish the book I've been working on so that I can start the book Silver let me borrow.


Unknown said...

ik. i love hanging out with you guys. I don't even feel we have to "do" anything. we just hang out and eat (after the chaos that is my cooking. haha) and play board games, take the kids swimming, and watch the boys play video games. haha. I love it. Rowan is welcome to call him Uncle Vinny. or cousin vinny. haha. like that movie? ha.

right after you guys left (like always) we are all like "i love those guys" and "they did this and said this and blah blah we love them blah blah" hahaha.

i ALWAYS use tension headache excedrin. i'm not sure the difference, but i love it. IT works so much better. Regular excedrin just doesn't work the same for me. I always get the tension headaches where it feels like someone has a really tight rubberband around your head. haha

Thats the only thing that sucks about hanging out here, is the lack of ac. haha.

next sunday we will be at camp! woot. well next saturday, but we can do our sunday routine all weekend! yay.

we come back next sat, but we will be picking up rolo next sunday like 2 ft. from you guys, so idk what we will do with her, unless you guys want to come up here that sunday, but that just seems like a huge waste of gas for you guys since we'll be there. Riley would prolly freak out about Rolo, wouldn't she? Maybe if we kept her in the kitchen? idk. we still have two weeks to figure that out. hahaha

Jami Goldberg said...

Hahaha. Yeah, Thane and I spent the whole car ride home gushing about you guys. He actually stayed awake the whole time, usually he falls asleep and I just sing along to music by myself. Haha.

I think your house is cooler than ours. We have the big ac in the living room, but unless you're like right near it, it doesn't help.


We'll figure something out for the Sunday after camp. I feel bad because we're always like, "yeah, we'll come to your house!" and are always making you guys "host" us. Haha.


Unknown said...

I LOVE having ppl over here. haha. And I LOVE cooking. it's easier to, because then you can stay later, cuz we don't have to drive home, cuz vin has to get up so early. ALtho, my cooking tends to make my kitchen choatic. I ahven't figured out how to cook for ppl in a calm manner. haha.I guess everything about me is choatic.

oh yeah. Ir eally wish BLogger would tell me when ppl comment back on blogs I comment on. I wonder how many other posts of yours you commented back on that I never read. ha.

Jami Goldberg said...

Hahahaha. Probably a lot because I almost always comment back. We're always going to fight over having the last word I think. <3

Good, because we LOVE going to people's houses. Haha. I stress way too much over having people come here. I suck. I can't believe we left Riley alone for 10 hours yesterday! And in her crate too, so I felt SUPER, EXTRA guilty. Next time we're going to just leave the gate up to the kitchen and let her have free reign in there.