Every word you say, I think I should write down. Don't want to forget come daylight.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Twenty-Four - Orientation

My orientation went okay. It was mostly boring, but I did get my schedule, which was important. Now I can let the day care know what it is and finish enrolling Rowan to attend this fall.

I will be going to school Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. My schedule is:

9:10-10:05 Meteorology 101 in Park Hall
10:20-11:15 Practical English Grammar in the Campus Center
11:30-12:25 American Lit.: Beginning to the Civil War in the Campus Center (same room as my other CC class above)
12:25-1:50 Break
1:50-2:45 Shakespeare: An Introduction in Lanigan Hall

And then Monday & Wednesdays only:
3:00-4:20 Adolescent Psychology in Lanigan Hall

So not too bad for being one of the last groups of students to make their fall schedule. Since I'm technically a junior, next semester I should have no trouble getting classes that I want, when I want them. I am definitely going to try for Tuesdays and Thursdays next semester.

Rowan will be going to the day care program on Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:00am to 4:30pm. Thane doesn't work Fridays during the school year, so we only need two days of child care. Hopefully we can keep it that way until he needs to go more frequently because of preschool.

Student orientation leaders kept calling me "hun" and talking to me like I'm unexperienced in life or wouldn't understand things. Haha. I wanted to scream, "Leave me alone. I'm your elder!"

I only had one minor freak out during the whole thing. I had to eat lunch alone in the cafeteria. I was panicking. I didn't know what to get to eat and I couldn't see what everyone else was eating ahead of time because they were all seated in the cafeteria part and it's in another room than where you get your food. So I got a grilled ham and cheese sandwich, a salad, and pink lemonade. Turns out like every other (skinny) girl got fruit and salad. Sometimes I feel like people my size are supposed to be banned from eating in public. Since I can't even look people in the eye most of the time, I kept my head down and tried to see a spot where no one was out of the corner of my eye. I did and sat down before I realized it was in the back middle of the room, facing the entire room. That made me feel like everyone was looking at me and judging me. Then I was upset because I hadn't analyzed the entire area beforehand to see where I had to take my plate and tray when I was done. So I spent the entire time creating scenarios and plans for that while I ate. I was worried someone would sit near me and try and talk to me and then my poor communication/social skills would make me look like a rude bitch. Ha. Then I worried that if no one sat near me it just meant I was an even bigger loser than I thought. Whatever, I suck.

I can't even type a long entry because I have to get ready for my brother and sister-in-law to visit.

I hate how my anxiety makes me feel so drained. Like yesterday was a friggen marathon or something. Hi, it was just a normal day, calm down.

That's all for now, I suppose. I'll try and write more later today.


Unknown said...

I am the same way when it comes to finding a place to sit. I just look around wihtout looking at anyone, to find a place to sit. Then I watch others to see what they do with everything. Have a fun visit with your brother! I'm gonna watch some "the l word"!

Jami Goldberg said...

I'm giving Shane a mental kiss right this moment. Hahaha.