Every word you say, I think I should write down. Don't want to forget come daylight.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Twenty-One - Somewhat Eventful Day

The second half of today is going to be busy. Rowan's last day of t-ball is today. It's the "world series" Haha. We have to bring a snack for everyone. Kids like Chex mix, right? After his game we're taking Rowan out for some pizza at Enzo's. We haven't had a pizza from there in forever. It used to be our favorite when we lived in Oswego. We decided that after the game and pizza we're going to make a late night of it and go grocery shopping AND camping shopping. I hope we have enough room in the car for all of it. Ha. We'll probably get home around 10:00 I imagine. But that means we don't have to do it tomorrow after I get back from my first day of orientation, and Thane can get a lot of school work done. I only have orientation from oneish tomorrow until... I don't know when actually. Thursday I have to be there at 7:30am and I will be finished at 4. My mom is going to take Thursday off to watch Rowan and I'll have to ride into work with Thane.

Riley peed on the carpet today. I do not get her. She has been potty trained, indoor and outdoor for a long, long time. I can understand one accident. But in the past two weeks I'd say she's done it 8 times! She's like afraid to go on her pads and afraid to tell me she wants to go out. If I take her out, she'll hold it and trick me into thinking she's fine, doesn't have to go. Then we'll come in and she'll either piss right on the carpet while I'm in the kitchen getting Rowan food or doing something with him where I'm not in the living room or she'll even do it right in front of me! She'll squat, stare right at me, and pee! I don't even know what to do to stop this, or why it began. We're definitely going to have to get a new rug now. We were planning on it anyway, but it just sucks that she's ruining this one.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

aw. the poor thing is prolly to scared to go outside. haha. idk. dogs are weird. really weird.