Yesterday, after Rowan's evaluation, we went to Daddy Ed's in Mexico. Love, love, LOVE that place. Their french toast is seriously the best around. Nick and Jenn got ahold of us and wanted to hang out, so we made plans with them for mid afternoon when Jenn was finished with a meeting. Around 3, the four of us took Rowan to the bounce house at the mall. He loves it there. We do too! It's only $5 for an hour or $6 for two and you only pay for your children. This time there was a boy for him to pal around with and a little girl who wouldn't stop giving him hugs. Too cute. After our hour was up we headed home and made cheeseburgers for dinner. We capped the evening off with a game of Balderdash. I won because I'm awesome, duh.
I need some new books to read. Well, I just ordered four new ones, but I fear that I'll be disappointed with them. See, about a year ago I had a streak of good finds where I read some of my current favorite books. Now I'm in a rut. I like thrillers. Not those awful Dean Koontz (Admittedly, I have liked a book or two of his) or James Patterson novels. More like psychological thrillers, disturbing family drama. Orrrr I like stories about families whose children are kidnapped, or murdered, or where one parent goes crazy and ruins everyone's lives. Hahaha. I can't help it. I like suspense and emotion both, and these types of stories seem to house the perfect balance. The author also have to be intellectual, philosophical. The words have to move me or catch me. Make me think. Every time I go to Amazon and look up a book, the other recommended books listed on that book's page are all books I already own! Haha. I have so many books. I'm thinking about purchasing a Kindle sometime, but I kind of like my large library of books. Ha.
Anyway, Rowan is finished with breakfast, so I'm going to go play "Iron man" with him.
I have that book for you. remind me.
ok. that was a lame comment. sorry.
Hahaha. You're never lame to me. <3
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