Every word you say, I think I should write down. Don't want to forget come daylight.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Thirty - Second Update on Rowan's Evaluation

So, I spoke to the specialist again today and they're pretty confident Rowan has a condition called Sensory Integration Dysfunction (or the newer name for it is Sensory Processing Disorder). The treatment for it is still Occupational Therapy and he will be undergoing therapy strategies that are sometimes used with children who are autistic. I will be attending a meeting in the next couple of weeks to go over all of this and set up his therapy, along with his IEP. Wow, it all sort of makes sense now. They said it's something that should have been looked into awhile ago. With his constantly higher than normal body temperature and the way he eats should have provided early signs, even without all of the other symptoms.

I'll just provide two links, because it's all still a lot for me:



Twenty-Nine - Rowan's OT Evaluation

Rowan had his Occupational Evaluation today. He was such a good boy. He did score below average on almost everything, especially in the sensory skills section, which we expected. He scored mostly average in the fine motor skills area. He has sensory skills overload.

I don't remember if I explained what occupational therapy does. Occupational is split into two groups: fine motor skills and sensory skills (which ranges from the five senses to emotions and mental). He scored average on many of the fine motor skills tests, but below average on the sensory skills, which is what we expected. He has hyperactive senses. He's a picky eater and prefers to eat bland and/or soft foods. He'll eat potato chips and stuff like that, but when it comes to meal times, he prefers less complex foods, such as applesauce, yogurt, pasta without the sauce, etc. He also has to smell a lot of things. He gets overly emotional over things (crying during adult movies as if he understands the concept) and has temper tantrums. Not because he's just misbehaving or anything, but if he can't get something to go his way during independent play (such as not being able to get a spiderman toy figure to bend his legs an EXACT way), or if he attempts something and isn't successful, he'll have a breakdown/meltdown. Because his sensory skills are different than other children's, in order to calm him down we may need to do things like, hold him really close and really tight and apply a blanket for pressure until he calms down, or lay with him on a cool floor (thank god we have hardwoods) with our faces on the floor so he can feel the temperature change sensation, which then triggers a calming feeling. It's hard sometimes, but we love him all the more just because he's NOT like other kids. To us it makes him more special. They tell us that's why he likes music so much, because of sensory reasons. He also has trouble focusing and following directions. Not because of behavior (yet again), but because he's so easily distracted. They say he is REALLY smart and has trouble concentrating on one thing. So the therapy is supposed to help him with his focus and with helping him find his own, independent ways of adapting and coping with a sensory overload. Because, you know, Mommy and Daddy can't always be there with a blanket and we can't go out in public and have to explain to people why we're lying on the floor in the middle of an aisle (yes we've had to do this a couple times) when he's 14 years old. People don't even understand now! They sometimes thinks he's just bratty or misbehaving (he actually behaves MARVELOUSLY) or they probably think we're just freaks. Anyway, if they begin therapy early, hopefully when he's older, it will be hard for an outsider/stranger to see that he sometimes "feels" or "reacts" differently to some situations. There's so much more too, but I'm tired from talking about it with the specialists today. Ha.

On another note, a friend "broke up" with me, I guess. It confuses me. Because to me, either you like someone enough/care about them enough and are interested enough in having them in your life as a friend, or your not. So if they're not, then you'd think they could just be a "mean" person and fess up to that, rather than have to have reasons or excuses as to why "it's not working". Or something like that. I don't know. Honestly, it just isn't as big of a deal to me as it might have been a few months ago.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Twenty-Eight - I Think I Got It This Time

I did one small thing today that I'm really proud of. I analyzed it, like always, and then overanalyzed it, like always, and with a little help I finally saw it. For real, the whole picture. I think next time I'll be able to walk even further away.

Twenty-Seven - Sunday Routine

I think it is an official Sunday routine to hang out with Silver and Vinny. Haha. Yesterday was soooo much fun. Maybe not "fun" to other people, but it was the kind of fun that just warms my heart and makes me feel content with life. Just being around them is nice. It was friggin hot and that gave me a headache halfway through the day, but Silver gave me Excedrin, for tension headaches and that made it go away pretty fast. I was impressed! Normally I just use Excedrin Migraine, and that gets the job done, but not as fast as the other. Anyway, we played Apples to Apples. I love that game! I wanted to play like 45 games of it.

Yesterday while we were outside, Silver said something picking on Vinny (I forget exactly), but Vinny said, "Well Thane is my best friend and I love him" HAHAHA. It was SO adorable. When we came home I asked Thane if he remembered him saying that and Thane was like, "Yeah. That guy's awesome" They're hilarious.

I think Rowan is officially not afraid of Vinny anymore. Haha. When Thane and Vinny were playing a video game yesterday, Rowan hopped up on the couch behind them and put his arms around Vinny's shoulders/neck and was "hugging" him. Also, Rowan called him "Dad" HAHAHAHA. Thane was sitting right there and I was like, "Huh? Rowan! Vinny isn't your dad" (duh) and Vinny was like, "Yeah he called me that before too" So I think Rowan might think that any guy figure that doesn't have a name like "Grandpa" or "Uncle" or something has to be a dad? I mean, it kind of makes sense. The only other adult males he's around, frequently, are all family members with titles. So if he keeps it up we may have to tell him he can call him "Uncle Vinny" Ha.

I am so happy that Madalyn likes me so much. I can remember commenting on Silver's pictures of her, saying, "Ou! I want to squeeze her." or something lame like that. Haha. And now I can! She and Gracie are the cutest little girls ever. They're going to be ridiculously beautiful later on.

Mondays are always mellow days. :] So maybe that means I can hurry up and finish the book I've been working on so that I can start the book Silver let me borrow.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Twenty-Six - More Rain

It is raining again today. I hope that it is dry tomorrow because I think Thane and Vinny are going to set up our tent for a test run in preparation for next weekend! :] We are so stoked about camping. Although, I am a little nervous about being a tad bit moody. I hate dirt and bugs and stuff. Haha. I'm a big baby. But I do love campfires and the "no worry" feeling of being away from home for a couple of nights. It will be fun.

Rowan is napping and Thane is taking his Accounting weekly quiz. Like an hour ago I was practically begging Rowan to be ready for his nap because I wanted to take one so bad. Now I'm wide awake.

Tomorrow we're going to Silver and Vinny's. I think that was made obvious by my opening statement. Whatever. We're going to have belgian waffles. Yum. Silver is such a good cook. I know Thane is in love with the food she makes. He's always talking about it on the way home every week. Haha.

Riley has been accident free since the day before yesterday. Yay. I have no idea what came over her, maybe she got spooked by something we did and she was being really, really submissive for awhile? I don't know. I mean, we don't "yell" at her or discipline her or anything, so if we did do something, it wasn't anything intentional or something that we were aware of. It was probably Rowan. Hahaha. I'm just going to be like Gracie and blame stuff on everyone else. :p

I can't wait until we get another vehicle! It's driving me insane. I'd also like our refund check(s) to come in soon. I want to go shopping. Haha.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Twenty-Five - "The L Word"

I think I may need to go back and watch "The L Word" all over again. Hahaha. Silver has been watching it lately and it's been making me want to reconnect with some of the characters. And stare at Shane all day. Haha.

Twenty-Four - Orientation

My orientation went okay. It was mostly boring, but I did get my schedule, which was important. Now I can let the day care know what it is and finish enrolling Rowan to attend this fall.

I will be going to school Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. My schedule is:

9:10-10:05 Meteorology 101 in Park Hall
10:20-11:15 Practical English Grammar in the Campus Center
11:30-12:25 American Lit.: Beginning to the Civil War in the Campus Center (same room as my other CC class above)
12:25-1:50 Break
1:50-2:45 Shakespeare: An Introduction in Lanigan Hall

And then Monday & Wednesdays only:
3:00-4:20 Adolescent Psychology in Lanigan Hall

So not too bad for being one of the last groups of students to make their fall schedule. Since I'm technically a junior, next semester I should have no trouble getting classes that I want, when I want them. I am definitely going to try for Tuesdays and Thursdays next semester.

Rowan will be going to the day care program on Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:00am to 4:30pm. Thane doesn't work Fridays during the school year, so we only need two days of child care. Hopefully we can keep it that way until he needs to go more frequently because of preschool.

Student orientation leaders kept calling me "hun" and talking to me like I'm unexperienced in life or wouldn't understand things. Haha. I wanted to scream, "Leave me alone. I'm your elder!"

I only had one minor freak out during the whole thing. I had to eat lunch alone in the cafeteria. I was panicking. I didn't know what to get to eat and I couldn't see what everyone else was eating ahead of time because they were all seated in the cafeteria part and it's in another room than where you get your food. So I got a grilled ham and cheese sandwich, a salad, and pink lemonade. Turns out like every other (skinny) girl got fruit and salad. Sometimes I feel like people my size are supposed to be banned from eating in public. Since I can't even look people in the eye most of the time, I kept my head down and tried to see a spot where no one was out of the corner of my eye. I did and sat down before I realized it was in the back middle of the room, facing the entire room. That made me feel like everyone was looking at me and judging me. Then I was upset because I hadn't analyzed the entire area beforehand to see where I had to take my plate and tray when I was done. So I spent the entire time creating scenarios and plans for that while I ate. I was worried someone would sit near me and try and talk to me and then my poor communication/social skills would make me look like a rude bitch. Ha. Then I worried that if no one sat near me it just meant I was an even bigger loser than I thought. Whatever, I suck.

I can't even type a long entry because I have to get ready for my brother and sister-in-law to visit.

I hate how my anxiety makes me feel so drained. Like yesterday was a friggen marathon or something. Hi, it was just a normal day, calm down.

That's all for now, I suppose. I'll try and write more later today.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Twenty-Three - Earthquake

For future reference:

For present reference, just so everyone knows: natural disasters are one of my top fears. Like "I encounter this fear and I start acting silly" fears. Along with the dark, bugs, water, and anything bad happening to Rowan. My top 5. I want to vomit. Granted it wasn't even a big deal here... I still felt it. Thane didn't believe me. At first I thought it was Riley lying on the floor, touching the couch, and itching herself with her leg/foot. Then it got a little intense and I realized the whole house was moving and my computer screen was shaking. Thane and I were in the same room and he didn't feel it. Ha. The one thing I love about New York is that it is usually natural disaster, of any sort, free. I like that. I can't even handle thunderstorms.

Yuck. Call me a baby. Or say I'm overdramatic. I don't care. Just as long as it doesn't happen again.

Twenty-Two - Walmart Sucks

So we didn't get to get our camping stuff and our groceries. But at least we got our camping stuff! Haha. The reason why we didn't get to get groceries is because Walmart sucks and they put us through hell and gave me a panic attack, which then turned into a migraine quickly, so we had to go home. We bought $309.36 worth of camping stuff (some stuff is for our trip 4th of July weekend with Silver and Vinny and the rest is for when we go camping on our own.) so we're just about all set. When we were cashing out I told the lady I wanted to pay $9.36 with our debit and then put $300 on our Walmart credit card. She told me I had to do the debit first and told me to swipe my card. Then she tells me to hit "okay" on the screen and I was like, "This is just for the $9.36, right?" and she tells me yes. Ten seconds later she says, "Oh, it looks like it took it all off the debit. Is that okay?" NO, IT'S NOT OKAY, MORON. Instead, because I haven't lost my cool yet, I say, "Um, no, that's not okay. I have to put $300 on our credit card for a reason" so then she says she has to call someone over to help her. Another girl comes over and says she'll just void the order real quick, but that they'll have to re-ring the entire order. I tell her if that's the only option, fine, but that there's still a problem, we didn't have $309.36 in our bank account (we only had like $279 or something like that until Thane got paid today. Our bank is dumb and doesn't deny a debit transaction if there's insufficient funds. They just put you in the negative and then you owe that PLUS a $30 fee)! So I tell them that I need to speak to the manager because we are NOT going to eat that fee for Walmart's mistake. She tells me she'll go and speak with him after she voids the transaction and while we're ringing up the order again. THEN she can't void the order. She calls the manager on her walkie thing and he tells her it's because the order is too expensive and it can't be voided, but that it can be RETURNED. Then she tells me we'll have to take our two carts full and go to customer service where they have to scan everything to do a refund and then scan everything another time to ring it all back in. She says the money will go back on the card and we can repurchase everything. This is when I speak up, yet again (and Im getting quite angry by this point and can't even control my shaking because I'm a stable panicker) and say, "Excuse me, but when something is refunded to someone's card, even if it was a debit purchase, doesn't it take 3 business days to clear and be put back into a person's account?!" to which she tells me I am correct. UM HELLO. So I say, "I'm sorry, but I'm a little fucking lost as to what the fuck you expect us to do for three days without ANY money now, at all" So she calls her manager again. He says he will write up a report and allow us to get the money returned to us in cash, even though a transaction that high isn't normally refunded as cash, even when paid with a debit. I'm really just fed up at this point, so of course I'm just being a smart ass bitch and I say something like, "I don't know why you're lecturing me as if I'm LUCKY you're giving us this option. For you, there is no other option. You can't take someone's money unwillingly and then even THINK that you can keep it and put them out for three days because it's a policy, so just get it done please, we've wasted enough time already" So we had to go through and refund everything and were given $309.36 in cash. Then we paid $9.36 in cash, put $300 on the credit card and they took down my name and number so that if the bank does charge us a fee (which I'm 99% sure they will), they are going to pay the fee to the bank for us. They also gave us a $20 Walmart gift card. But that was totally not worth the 45 minutes we spent going through all this! By the time we were done Rowan was screaming and whining (he was bored and tired at this point) and I was just so fucking stressed that I started getting a migraine that got so bad by the time we got home that I had to go straight to bed and had dry heaves until I passed out. UGH UGH UGH. So now we have to go get groceries tonight after my orientation. So annoyed.

In other news, Thane's paycheck was still $45 less than it should be. Something is not right. The insurance is fucking everything up and we're just losing a shit ton of money. Every time he asks about it he gets an altered explanation. I just yelled at him and told him enough is enough. He has to put his foot down and demand a full explanation that makes SENSE. Man, I like caps lock today, huh?

Last night was Rowan's last t-ball game. He finally hit the ball! Willingly. Haha. But he refused to run the bases. Instead he ran after his ball. When the kids from the other team all ran after his ball too, he screamed/screeched so loud the kids all froze, so he ran and grabbed it. Then he ran to the back of the gym (they played indoors because of the rain) and played by himself with it. Haha. After t-ball we went to Ponderosa. That's where Rowan wanted to go, and since it was his last game we said why not. He loves that place. Haha. Like 10 minutes after getting there a little boy in the booth right next to us started screaming and crying. Rowan watched for a split second and then all of a sudden stood up in his seat and started yelling at the top of his lungs, "OH NO! DADDY DOOOO SOMETHING!!!!" and he kept screaming this over and over and over again, while POINTING at this other family. Thane was trying to explain to him that the little boy was misbehaving and it was okay, to pay attention to his own food. I could do nothing except put my napkin over my face because I was laughing so hysterically. I laughed so hard I cried up a storm and then for the rest of the time the other family was there the father glared at me. Hahaha.

I slept awful last night. I was awake from about 2am until 415ish. I think I was subconsciously having anxiety issues over my orientation that's later today. I suck.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Twenty-One - Somewhat Eventful Day

The second half of today is going to be busy. Rowan's last day of t-ball is today. It's the "world series" Haha. We have to bring a snack for everyone. Kids like Chex mix, right? After his game we're taking Rowan out for some pizza at Enzo's. We haven't had a pizza from there in forever. It used to be our favorite when we lived in Oswego. We decided that after the game and pizza we're going to make a late night of it and go grocery shopping AND camping shopping. I hope we have enough room in the car for all of it. Ha. We'll probably get home around 10:00 I imagine. But that means we don't have to do it tomorrow after I get back from my first day of orientation, and Thane can get a lot of school work done. I only have orientation from oneish tomorrow until... I don't know when actually. Thursday I have to be there at 7:30am and I will be finished at 4. My mom is going to take Thursday off to watch Rowan and I'll have to ride into work with Thane.

Riley peed on the carpet today. I do not get her. She has been potty trained, indoor and outdoor for a long, long time. I can understand one accident. But in the past two weeks I'd say she's done it 8 times! She's like afraid to go on her pads and afraid to tell me she wants to go out. If I take her out, she'll hold it and trick me into thinking she's fine, doesn't have to go. Then we'll come in and she'll either piss right on the carpet while I'm in the kitchen getting Rowan food or doing something with him where I'm not in the living room or she'll even do it right in front of me! She'll squat, stare right at me, and pee! I don't even know what to do to stop this, or why it began. We're definitely going to have to get a new rug now. We were planning on it anyway, but it just sucks that she's ruining this one.


Monday, June 21, 2010

Twenty - Something Needs To Change

How is it that I always manage to avoid how big I am? It's getting ridiculous. Like I look down at parts of my body, say some simple part, like my wrist. And then I see my wrist in a picture and I'm like, "Oh, okay swollen, disgusting mess, cool." Something needs to change. I've tried. I really have. I've tried diets, exercise, fasting (which I know is unhealthy and ineffective in the long run), signing up on internet sites, etc. Blah blah blah. Every time I go to count calories I'm always under the "diet" suggestions. I really don't eat that much. I've been the same weight for a long time. I just don't know how to get it off. I don't have the time or money for the gym. Not to mention I can't even get myself to go somewhere like that without freaking out. I know I should be doing a lot more exercising at home and that there's lots to do in my own home, I just really don't know HOW to exercise. Like, the right way. I know that's pathetic. But it's true. Before I got sick I never had to worry about my weight or eating. I know that if I can just lose it, it will stay gone.

Okay. I'm done being a baby now.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Nineteen - Father's Day 2010

Today we spent the afternoon and Silver and Vinny's. We had a great time, like always. Rowan and I made Thane a father's day card. It was a "D" with arms, legs, googly eyes and monster teethies. Haha. We also bought him a headset for his xbox, so now he and Vinny can talk to each other while playing video games. I thought it might put a stop to Vinny calling late all the time. Nope. Haha. I'm kidding. It doesn't bother me. I swear, though, the guys crack me up. The other day Vinny put Thane on speaker phone and then talked to him while he was in the shower! Hahahaha.

Today was also Silver's sister, Karina's birthday, so I made cupcakes. I got to meet her parents and both of her sisters. She has a really nice family. Their teasing banter is cute and it was nice to see a family cooking together and then just being together, happily. My family gets together a lot for holidays, but not very often "just because". I can't get my mom to come over here and hang out. It's frustrating sometimes.

I really can't say enough how much I adore The Rosato family. Gracie asked me today if I loved her and I said yes. Then when we left she said "I love youuuu", even though she likes to call me every name in the book besides my own. Haha. Madalyn gave me kissies and brushed my hair. Rowan and Gracie didn't even fight today! Rowan fell asleep on the car ride home so we put him in bed. After 15 minutes we heard him crying really hard. "Madalyn and Gracie!!" Thane went in there and was like, "What's wrong, Buddy?" and he said, "Where's my Madalyn and Gracie? I need them" and it was so cute. My heart hurt a little bit. He really does love having them as friends.

This coming Wednesday and Thursday I have my school orientation. I'm sort of annoyed that they're actually making me attend the whole thing. It's silly. I'm 26 years old. I'm not going to befriend some high school senior/incoming freshman. I just want to meet my advisor, get all the last minute details straightened out and get my schedule. Not do workshops in which I have to introduce myself and play some childish game. Ha.

I'm downloading an 80's movie pack. It has like 50 movies in it and is 57 gigs. Holy. I can't believe how many I have never even seen! I'm super excited. Haha.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Eighteen - Spiders & Toy Story 3

I slept okay last night. Probably better than I have in quite a few days. Ever since my bad nightmare. I was starting to get back on track, but then after the spider incident, I've been so creeped out everywhere I go in the house. A couple of days ago I was in Rowan's room and I was taking care of his laundry. I looked up and saw this black shadow on the curtain and I went to grab at it, certain that it was a piece of candy or other sticky food Rowan had wiped on it. As I pulled the curtain apart, I heard this awful "crackling" sound and when I turned it around to see the back of it, I saw that I had broken open a spider nest! I just got shivers. The momma spider freaked out and reared up at me, flailing her legs. She was pretty big. It took me a long time to kill her and then I sprayed the nest (because some of the babies were alive!) with some perfume. In the middle of all of this I took a bathroom break to puke. Haha. I'm afraid of everything! Then as I was straightening out the other curtain, I spotted another one! I didn't disturb it and made Thane take care of that one when he got home. We had to go around and check all the curtains, windows, everywhere. I was paranoid we were being infested. Poor Rowan, I'm glad I found them before they hatched. OMG, ew.

We're going to take Rowan to the drive-in tonight to see Toy Story 3. It's all he's been talking about. Thane told him on Monday about going, so he's been impatient. Then last night he wouldn't go to bed, so Thane was like "Rowan, you have to be a good boy and go to sleep because tomorrow is Toy Story 3 day", so of course Rowan was all like, "Okay!!!" Haha. He woke up this morning and said we had to go and I asked him where and he said, "Toy Story 3, Mommy. Daddy said so!" so now I've finally gotten him to understand that we have to wait for Daddy to come home.

I thought I wanted to write more, but I've taken a few breaks from writing this, and now I just want to give up. Haha.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Seventeen - Lately

Thane and I have been hanging out with Silver and Vinny quite a bit. We really, really like them. I'm glad Thane and Vinny get along so well. Thane needed a real friend. Another family guy. A guy who works hard, is nice, and funny, and into things that he is into. They like each other so much that they called and talked to each other at 6am this morning. Hahaha.

Rowan really loves Gracie and Madalyn. He always asks to see them and talks about them when they're not around.

We're going to be going camping with them soon, for the weekend of July 4th. It's going to be so much fun. I'm excited because A. we'll be getting away from home and B. we'll get to spend all day with the four of them and then they'll be there when we wake back up in the morning. Haha. I love them.

Seriously, I have no idea how Silver and I haven't been friends before. She's a really amazing girl. (Quick sidenote: I've always hated calling females "woman" or "lady" if they're my age. I mean, I know we're adults now and keep getting older, but I refer to myself as "girl" and I like everyone else to be too. Whatever) Anyway, it's kind of nice to be friends now, because now she's an "adult friend". A real friend. Like I feel like we could be real friends for a long time and that's nice because I have been needed an adult friend. Make sense? I don't know.

I changed the living room around today. It took me 3 and a half hours. Haha. Our furniture is heavy! Plus Rowan was being a terror. I hope Thane will be suprised. :]

Friday, June 4, 2010

Sixteen - Wake Up and Realize

Talking with someone recently has opened up my eyes to a lot of things. Not that they were closed, but I could feel them getting to that point. I could feel myself losing myself again. It's silly. I know who I am. I know my flaws, my strengths, my quirks, my morals, my likes and dislikes. Yet sometimes I hide them, or blur them, alter them a little. I'm not perfect, but here's something I have over a lot of others: I know what really makes me who I am. I'm okay with laying it all on the table, and if I'm not good enough for someone to care about or be interested in, then that's okay. I have a lot of qualities that a lot of people find weird. I have anxiety. I stress. But I know how to manage it and all I can do is live life the way that works for me.

These messages back and forth and a possible future real friendship is something nice to look forward to. I'm getting to know someone who has a lot in common with me, but is also different. The things we have in common are the important things. The things we feel hold us back from being good friends with people.

I don't know how to explain it, but I don't necessarily need to. It's just nice to feel relieved that another human being can relate to what you thought made you an outsider.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Fifteen - Teddy Tedholm Will Win SYTYCD

I'm not sure if I can download a video from YouTube, so instead I'll just be lazy and supply you with the link:


This boy is brilliant.

There have only been one or two times where I have watched someone dance and let myself getting completely lost and immersed in the performance to the point where I find myself making up my own story about the dance. This was one of them.

The dance to me represented a young man preparing for a funeral. He's partly in denial, he's nervous and distraught, he doesn't want this to be happening. He's all dressed up and ready, but before he can walk out the door he rebels against leaving and attending this funeral. He rips off his jacket, loosens his tie, in a way that says "you can't make me if I don't wanna/I'm not ready." Then the young man fights with himself. He beats himself up over what he's been trying to prepare himself for, he has fits of hysteria and battles with his grieving. Finally, defeated, he falls to the floor. He grabs his jacket, because he knows what he has to do, that he has no choice, and he knows there's no use fighting it.

So so so so moving.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Fourteen - Memorial Day Weekend

I think this was the first memorial day weekend that we didn't attend one cook out or BBQ! No one in my family wanted to/could get together. So we were expecting to just sit at home, board, and hungry for yummy family picnic food. This is essentially what ended up happening, but with a couple of activities throughout the weekend. Thane had a three day weekend. Normally he works most holidays and then banks the hours for a later day off of our choice, but this time his work made all of the employees to take the day off. No big deal.

So Friday night we took Rowan to watch the fireworks over the lake here in town. He loved them. He kept saying there was "booming in the sky". Saturday morning we got up and walked to the parade. Rowan wasn't as interested in it as he was last year. There was a lot of "boring" stuff this year and I think he's just at that age where things need to be "exciting!". About halfway through we decided to abandon ship and walked to the war memorial where they were serving food. I got a grilled burger and homemade fries while Thane got a grilled chicken dinner with salt potatoes and Rowan had a hot dog and shared my fries. So we sort of got our cookout food (though it still wasn't as yummy as it would have been had my family done it). We didn't have any cash on us and there was no ATM machine close by, so Rowan wasn't able to ride any of the rides at the carnival set up behind the war memorial. We thought maybe we'd bring him back on Sunday to ride some, but he forgot all about it and that was fine with us.

Other than that we spend a lot of time in the backyard. We got Rowan a big plastic pool and filled that up for him. He really loved that.

I got my new camera lens in the mail on Friday! I experimented with it and took some pictures of the fireworks, parade, and Rowan playing in his pool. I'll make another post with pictures in the next couple of days after I sort through them all.

Thane's classes start tomorrow. That means I have to start helping cook meals. Haha. I just hate cooking! Thane is good at it and he likes to cook, so we've just fallen into a pattern where he's the cook. We get picked on all the time for it, but whatever. Who says women have to cook? Dumb.

Thane has a dentist appointment this afternoon. Then when he gets home we're heading to Rowan's first t-ball night. I hope he likes it. He'll be the boy who stands on the field singing/dancing/doing anything but paying attention to the game. I know it. Haha.